Course Offerings for the 2024 Academic Semester Program at Universidad de Belgrano
Mente Argentina Academic Semester Program at University of Belgrano offers courses for students with all spanish levels.
Depending on your current Spanish Level you can choose to take courses from the following programs:
- Latin American Studies in English (Semester Courses taught in English + Spanish Language Courses)
- Latin American Studies in Spanish (Semester Courses taught in Spanish for international students + Spanish Language Courses)
- Integrated Studies (Semester Courses taught in English and Spanish + Courses with Argentine Students + Spanish Language Courses)
- Intensive Spanish Language-Semester (Intensive Spanish Language Courses)
This survey course studies the formation of the relationship between the U. S. and Latin America since the early days of the Wars of Independence. The period of continental state formation, the subsequent U. S. southward expansion by the turn of the century, and the transformations that occurred as a consequence of U.S. position as a world power, including the World Wars, the Cold War and its aftermath, and the current post-Cold War transition will be analyzed also. While the course will implement a comprehensive historical approach, the focus is placed on the analysis of specific moments and crises. Even when the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries are the grounds to understand the process of policy formation, the bulk of the course concentrates on the diplomatic performance in the Twentieth Century to the present. We will not only address the analysis of the major continental actors that shaped the core of the inter-American relations but also to less known actors that have impacted relations as well. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
Course Syllabus: US Latin American Relations
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
Once one of the richest and fastest growing economies in the world, Argentina is now entrenched in the rankings of the less developed countries. Nevertheless, in the last decade it has grown at a fast pace, one that was hard to predict in the days of the 2001-2002 crisis. That a country that was viewed as a pariah, effectively shut out of the international financial markets, could recover from its worst crisis, is the topic of recent academic and political discussions. The course will provide a truly comprehensive perspective that will enable the students to analyze and understand the process experienced by the Argentine economy from the late 19th Century until the present days, focusing on the processes that led to the economic crisis at the turn of this century and the measures implemented to overcome it. In the current world crisis scenario, Argentina can thus serve as a case study of sorts. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
Course Syllabus: Argentine Economy
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
This course focuses on national identity in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela resulting from political and social change. Students are encouraged to understand the political systems and parties in each country from a historical perspective. Present-day social actors and protest movements are similarly contextualized within ongoing struggles between the state and various forces in society. The course also considers collective memories of the repression inflicted by successive military dictatorships in some of these countries and the role of citizenship and institutions in contemporary democracies. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
Course Syllabus: Political and Social Change 2023/2024
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
The course deals with the international economic relations between the Latin American countries and other geo-economic spaces, i.e.: European Union (EU), NAFTA and ASEAN. After a brief analysis of the evolution from the “three worlds of economics” to present-day “global economy”, the course deals with: economic cooperation, trade issues, business development and socio-political aspects. Although all the regions will be taken into account, a special stress will be put not only in the cases of the economic relations with the E.U., NAFTA and ASEAN, but also within the Latin American Region and in the role of international organizations and multinational corporations. The prospects of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as economic leaders of the world will also be addressed. The analysis will be complemented with selected case studies on: Knowledge and Information, Technology Transfer and the Role of Multinational Companies. Finally, we will discuss: the present Global Crisis; the Role of G-20; and an Agenda for the 21st century. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
Course Syllabus: Latin American in Global Economy
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
Since its discovery until the present, Latin America has been imagined and conceived as the “New Continent”, a place for utopia, but also as a space of uneven modernity and extreme forms of violence. The course explores distinctive cultural aspects of Latin America by looking at the ways it has been represented in readings spanning from the diaries written by Christopher Columbus to the texts of the Cuban Revolution, the iconography of Peronismo, or the recent debates on Neoliberalism, Globalization and Populism. Drawing on essays, but also on short-stories, paintings, photographs, and films, the course addresses a set of questions that lie at the heart of how one thinks about Latin America. What is expected from “Latin America”? What were the different “ideas” that Latin America embodied? What are the forms of “Latin American” culture? How are the different “cultures” connected? The purpose of the course is threefold: to introduce students to problems central to Latin America, to familiarize students with a variety of non-fictional writings in Spanish, such as essay, chronicle, journalism and documentary films, and to sharpen student’s skills as analytical readers.. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
Course Syllabus: Latin American Cultures and Civilizations
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
Este curso se enfoca en aspectos de la cultura argentina y latinoamericana con un énfasis en cultura popular tanto escrita como visual. Articulado sobre el estudio de textos diversos (literatura, periódicos, comics, murales, fotografías, películas y documentales) el curso reflexionará sobre la noción de cultura y la considerará desde una perspectiva muy amplia, incluyendo la distinción entre “alta” y “baja” cultura. Por ejemplo, el análisis de un poema, una película, una serie fotográfica y un comic de permitirán analizar e interpretar cuestiones de género que trascienden tiempos y espacios. Los estudiantes refinarán sus habilidades orales y escritas al tiempo que profundizarán su comprensión de lectura y enriquecerán su entendimiento de la cultura latinoamericana contemporánea. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
Este curso se enfoca en aspectos de la cultura y la historia representados en el cine argentino y latinoamericano de las últimas décadas. Articulado sobre el estudio de películas y textos diversos relacionados (entrevistas, críticas, ensayos, testimonios, literatura, periódicos, historietas) el curso indagará sobre los mecanismos que utiliza el cine para reflexionar sobre el contexto social en el que se produce. Incentivados por el debate en clase, los estudiantes refinarán sus habilidades orales y escritas al tiempo que profundizarán su comprensión de lectura y conocerán las últimas tendencias del cine latinoamericano. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
El curso presenta la evolución del arte argentino a partir del período independiente. Brevemente se introducen las corrientes propias del siglo XIX: corrientes neoclásicas, neomedievales e italianizantes y la arquitectura del Eclecticismo, la pintura romántica, el Naturalismo y el Realismo. Las primeras décadas del siglo XX y el período entre-guerras traerán cambios socio-culturales y corrientes de ruptura que se manifiestan en el arte: los Artistas del Pueblo, el Grupo de París, el Cubismo, el Surrealismo, el Arte Concreto, y en arquitectura, el Art Nouveau, el Neocolonial, el Art Déco, el Racionalismo y el monumentalismo estilístico. Los años sesenta, de la euforia y de la rebelión, encuentran su modo de expresión en el Pop Art, las nuevas abstracciones, la Nueva Figuración, y el arte participativo; en el Brutalismo, el Estilo Internacional y el Casablanquismo. La democratización coincide en Argentina con la irrupción del Posmodernismo, el Arte Ecológico, la post figuración, el Arte Digital, la pintura ingenua; los regionalismos y el Determinismo Tecnológico. El alumno se beneficiará con la cantidad de museos y espacios urbanos que ofrece Buenos Aires, que extenderán el aula de la clase a la ciudad. El curso pretende despertar la curiosidad personal hacia el arte, promoviendo la apertura de ventanas al mundo de la sensibilidad. Se orienta y estimula la "mirada" artística y se apunta a la comprensión de problemas que de ella se desprende. No es objetivo de este curso impartir un conocimiento enciclopédico sino focalizar la atención sobre aquellas manifestaciones -dibujo, pintura, arquitectura, escultura, objetos correspondientes a los siglos XIX y XX desde una lectura contextual que integra la dimensión espacio-temporal en la cual surgieron. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
El propósito del curso es aproximarse a la figura del lector en la literatura latinoamericana del siglo veinte. El objetivo es trazar un recorrido entre los clásicos del siglo veinte, a través de una lectura no cronológica de un conjunto de novelas, poemas y cuentos que entablan entre sí relaciones de afinidad a través de apropiaciones, reescrituras y diálogos intertextuales. La figura del lector nos invita a jugar con el adentro y el afuera del texto. Somos nosotros, los lectores de carne y hueso, pero también son aquellos personajes que leen, que protagonizan una historia en tanto lectores, que son influenciados por otros textos. Cada lector, cada lectora –en su tiempo y su espacio, en su circunstancia personal concreta– construye su propia lectura. La lectura no es algo que se ingiere. Hay quien lee para soñar con una realidad alternativa, para armar de otro modo la propia historia. Se lee para escapar de lo cotidiano. Se lee como acto de rebeldía. ¿Cómo y para qué lee cada uno? Un recorrido literario por algunas de estas figuras de lector nos interpela a nosotros mismos en nuestra actividad de lectura, nos hace preguntarnos cómo y para qué leemos y qué tipo de relación íntima tienen, para nosotros, la literatura y la vida. Se pondrá especial énfasis no sólo en el estudio de los textos sino en las capacidades de cada estudiante de alcanzar un análisis propio y coherente. Asimismo, se propone incorporar enfoques metodológicos que permitan el análisis formal de los textos literarios y de las poéticas en las que esos textos se inscriben; y establecer conexiones y diálogos entre las diferentes formas narrativas. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
El curso se aproxima a la literatura argentina a partir de la construcción de la identidad nacional en el siglo XIX. La lectura de Martín Fierro de José Hernández presenta la problemática del gaucho y el conflicto que resulta de su apropiación por parte de la cultura letrada. La lectura de textos de la tradición gauchesca que ilustran el conflicto entre gauchos, indios y gobierno. Se seleccionan textos representativos de las vanguardias literarias de los años veinte (Oliverio Girondo, Alfonsina Storni, Jorge Luis Borges, Roberto Arlt) y se estudia su relación con la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Se trabajan fragmentos acerca de los conflictos en argentina entre peronismo, militares y sociedad civil donde se discute el rol de la literatura con la memoria nacional. Para finalizar, se consideran los nuevos circuitos de la literatura y su impacto en las nuevas formas de leer tradiciones. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
Los temas desarrollados están agrupados de acuerdo a determinados procesos históricos con características propias, que permiten analizarlos autónomamente sin olvidar su natural y necesario encadenamiento, considerando problemas fundamentales que se estudiarán ordenadamente. Una historia contemporánea de América Latina, necesita para su comprensión unir pasado y presente con el aporte de explicaciones de carácter evolutivo que permitan comprender los problemas actuales. En consecuencia se considerarán cinco unidades. En la primer unidad se parte aproximadamente desde 1810 hasta 1825 y su desarrollo abarca las luchas contra la dominación colonial hasta la independencia, con el posterior surgimiento de los nuevos Estados latinoamericanos que marca el fin del avance británico contra los imperios coloniales español y portugués. En la segunda unidad se analiza el período de “europeización” y modernización que caracteriza a las nuevas repúblicas oligárquicas, acompañado por un proceso de expansión económica orientada “hacia afuera”, que se intensifica hacia 1870 atrayendo un gran flujo de inmigración europea. La hegemonía británica es aquí central, ya que conduce el desarrollo del comercio y la inversión de capital. En este período comienza a destacarse el avance estadounidense sobre América Latina en la región del Caribe. En la tercera unidad temática se analiza el inicio de la crisis del período anterior, que comprende en su inicio a la Revolución mexicana y la emergencia del populismo en América Latina como proceso de transformación y cambio de estructura que comienza en la Primera Guerra Mundial, y más claramente a partir de la crisis económica internacional de 1929. En el presente período es notoria la presencia y las inversiones norteamericanas en toda América Latina. En la unidad número cuatro se estudian a partir de la finalización de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el inicio de la Guerra Fría, los sucesivos golpes de Estado militares que marcan el inicio del terrorismo de Estado en América Latina. Y por último, en la quinta unidad temática, se analizan los procesos de transición democrática, luego de la finalización de los regímenes militares, y la implementación de las políticas neoliberales en los años ´90 y la crisis generalizada que provocan en América Latina. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
El curso se propone introducir a los estudiantes en el conocimiento básico de la lengua española para lograr un rendimiento satisfactorio en sus actividades académicas y sociales en la Argentina. Con este objetivo, se estudiarán diversos contenidos léxico-gramaticales y se llevarán a cabo diferentes actividades didácticas para que los alumnos puedan desempeñarse adecuadamente en situaciones comunicativas propias de un nivel principiante. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
Course Syllabus: ESPAÑOL BASICO
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Spanish Courses
El objetivo del curso es ampliar el caudal de conocimientos de los estudiantes para que puedan alcanzar un aceptable nivel de comprensión y producción en español en situaciones comunicativas diversas. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Spanish Courses
Destinado a quienes dominan los contenidos gramaticales básicos, este nivel de intermedio introduce a los estudiantes en una fase más avanzada del estudio de la lengua, de manera que alcance un dominio general del sistema lingüístico del español en una diversidad cada vez más rica de contextos comunicativos. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Spanish Courses
El objetivo de este curso es mejorar la fluidez y la expresión oral de los estudiantes de nivel intermedio. El curso promueve la producción espontánea y aspira a que los estudiantes aprendan a presentar y defender sus ideas en exposiciones individuales o debates grupales sobre temas específicos, que aumenten su vocabulario y mejoren su pronunciación. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 2-3
ECTS Credits: 4-5
Class Hours: 30
Category: Spanish Courses
Este curso consolida los conocimientos lingüísticos generales y propone una reflexión sobre la lengua, de manera que los estudiantes alcancen una mayor fluidez en el uso apropiado de la lengua y corrección en la producción de distintos tipos textuales. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Spanish Courses
Este curso consolida los conocimientos lingüísticos generales y propone una reflexión sobre la lengua, de manera que los estudiantes alcancen una mayor fluidez en el uso apropiado de la lengua y corrección en la producción de distintos tipos textuales. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Spanish Courses
El objetivo de este curso es mejorar la fluidez y la expresión oral de los estudiantes de nivel avanzado. El curso promueve la producción espontánea y aspira a que los estudiantes aprendan a presentar y defender sus ideas en exposiciones individuales o debates grupales, que aumenten su vocabulario y mejoren su pronunciación. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
US Credits: 2-3
ECTS Credits: 4-5
Class Hours: 30
Category: Spanish Courses
Accounting Gastronomic Business Advertising Graphic Design Audio Visual Technology Human Resources Architecture International Relations Biology Interior Design Business Marketing Chemistry Nutrition Cinema Political Computer Science Public Relations Culinary Arts Science Economics TV & Media Production Engineerin Among many others. Please contact us for more information.
US Credits: inquire
ECTS Credits: inquire
Class Hours: 0
Category: Integrated Studies
El curso tiene como objetivo introducir a los alumnos al estudio del idioma español en relación a los diversos grupos de hablantes y al contexto social y cultural en donde tienen lugar variadas prácticas discursivas que se vehiculizan a través de distintos estilos comunicacionales los que dan lugar a la variación lingüística y sociopragmática. Además, se busca que los alumnos se familiaricen con los fenómenos macro-sociales y con el análisis a nivel micro tanto de la comunicación cara a cara como de la interacción mediada por las nuevas tecnologías. Este abordaje tiene como fin brindarles a los alumnos la oportunidad de lograr una mejor comprensión de la interfaz entre la sociolingüística y la pragmática, al igual que de los métodos que se utilizan en la recolección y análisis de datos como parte del estudio del lenguaje en el contexto social. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
Course Syllabus: Sociolingüística
US Credits: 3-4
ECTS Credits: 6-8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Spanish Courses
The cultural and human responses to the violence of genocide politics in the Holocaust will serve as an excellent start point to analyze political repression in Latin America (focus on Guatemala, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile). Central to the theoretical and critical corpus of the course, is the multidisciplinary work of scholars (e.g. Soshana Feldman, Cathy Caruth, Dominick La Capra, Astrid Erll, Jean Amery, Giorgio Agamben). This course discusses not only the impact of trauma, the legacy of memory and the role of the national states during dictatorships in these countries, but also how to make these experiences productive to reconstruct selves and societies. The corpus includes literature, testimonies, documentary and feature film, art, oral history, journalism, poem and popular music by such authors as French-Jewish Claude Lanzmann, Chilean film director Patricio Guzmán, Guatemalan writer Rigoberta Menchú, Uruguayan poets Mario Benedetti and Mauricio Rosencof and songs by Argentine composers and interpreters Luis Alberto Spinetta and Charly García. DONWLOAD THE COURSE SYLLABUS BELOW FOR DETAILED INFORMATION
Course Syllabus: Human Rights and Cultural Representations
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
This course is mandatory for the students taking the Certificate in Latin American Studies and requires conducting research at the undergraduate level. Each student has an opportunity to work closely with one of our faculty tutors on a specific topic in Latin American studies of interest to the student. Tutorials are one-on-one and consist of FIVE meetings lasting 50 minutes each. They are intended to help students refine their ideas about their chosen topic. To get started you have to find a tutor, submit a research proposal and get it approved. Your proposal should include the purpose of your research, a rough plan, and a preliminary readings list. The course is graded as pass / no pass and the deadline for sending this work is an academic year from the date courses were taken.. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NEED THE COMPLETE COURSE SYLLABUS
US Credits: INQ
ECTS Credits: INQ
Class Hours: 0
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
This course is mandatory for the students taking the Certificate in Latin American Studies and requires conducting research at the undergraduate level. Each student has an opportunity to work closely with one of our faculty tutors on a specific topic in Latin American studies of interest to the student. Tutorials are one-on-one and consist of five meetings lasting 50 minutes each. They are intended to help students refine their ideas about their chosen topic. To get started you must find a tutor, submit a research proposal, and get it approved. Your proposal should include the purpose of your research, a rough plan, and a preliminary readings list. The course is graded as pass / no pass and the deadline for sending this work is an academic year from the date courses were taken
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
Environmentally, technologically, economically and culturally, we live in an interconnected world where traditional approaches to business no longer work. Environmental problems and social issues are becoming increasingly important. Notions of sustainable development and fair trade are forcing companies to radically rethink their business strategies. New structures and beliefs and a redistribution of existing resources are required to build sustainable businesses. Here, the work of C.K. Prahalad and Stuart Hart has been ground-breaking: added values, such as transparency and mutual agreements, are just part of a new vision of business. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NEED THE COMPLETE SYLLABUS FOR THIS COURSE
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
This course examines aspects and expressions of popular culture in Latin America to understand how identity is constructed, negotiated and defined by nonhegemonic social sectors and actors. Using an intersectional approach, we will delve into specific examples and material expressions of culture and explore how the realm of culture becomes a space for asserting and displaying different kinds of power. Food, drink, clothing, music, art, and sports shape the manner in which Latin America is imagined and experienced. In the post-pandemic world, where localized and traditional worldviews are increasingly challenged by globalization and the erasure of difference, the cultural world emerges as a site of resistance that allows for the proud manifestation of racial, gender and classbased identities. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NEED THE COMPLETE SYLLABUS FOR THIS COURSE
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
Film and literature and their successful symbiosis have contributed to the understanding of culture as well as national identities. This interdisciplinary course seeks to study that strong connection mostly in the Twentieth Century. Drawing on novels, plays, and short stories and using a comparative perspective, we will review and analyze the complexity and richness of the Latin American Cultures. The corpus of films selected will not only provide the framework to study the social, and historical, but also we will examine what happens when short stories, novels, or plays are adapted into film language; if we approach film and literary texts differently; and how we view and read these texts in terms of representation. We will also consider national and transnational aspects in the film industry, the effects of globalization upon the cultural and economic aspects of film. By the end of the course, students will sharpen appreciation of major works of cinema and of literary narrative and broaden their knowledge about Latin America. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NEED THE COMPLETE SYLLABUS FOR THIS COURSE
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in English
The course examines the Argentine popular culture through material, spiritual and ideological manifestations that "jump out at the eye" of the traveler, since they represent the Argentine people and identify them as such. The city (downtown and its margins), food, music, soccer, and myths are manifestations created and/or consumed preferably by the popular classes that we will study. In addition to accompanying the immersion in Argentine culture, the course also intends to be a transition with the 300 courses, hence the place given to brief and continuous written and oral participation. Based on television, literary and culinary fragments, photography and cinema, videos and music, students will discuss the topics to improve their language skills in terms of comprehension and production (written and oral). During the classes, grammatical corrections will be made, while students will be assisted with support exercises to improve their expressive production in Spanish. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NEED THE COMPLETE COURSE SYLLABUS
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
Resulting of the fusion of Afro-Rioplatense, gaucho and European dances and rhythms, tango was born in the mid-19th century on the outskirts of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, undergoing a transformation that made it a recognized global and transnational musical genre in the last decade of the 19th century. This course focuses on tango as tradition and rupture in Argentine culture. From the margins of the suburbs and the periphery to the centrality of an international dance, tango is the best cultural artifact to think about Argentine society. During the classes we will analyze socio-cultural aspects of tango, the beginnings and evolution of the genre, the relationship between tango culture and the development of the city of Buenos Aires, as well as review the outstanding discography of the different periods of the genre and experience tango in the body PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NEED THE COMPLETE COURSE SYLLABUS
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Latin American Studies in Spanish
The course introduces students systematically to the grammatical and lexical features of the language in its social context so that they can communicate in a familiar context. The course also examines different aspects of Brazilian culture, such as typical food, Carnival and other traditional celebrations, soccer, etc. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NEED THE COMPLETE SYLLABUS FOR THIS COURSE
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Spanish Courses
This 60-hour Community-based course combines coursework with a volunteering experience in an NGO, museum, library, or school. The professional experience will be academically directed, supervised by a UB faculty, and conducting a project. Students will work 4 hours/week with the guidance of a mentor. They will also meet the faculty once a week to discuss both the assignments and the reading materials. This combination will bring students a meaningful insight of the reality of the daily life of porteños culture, while also enabling an increased intercultural understanding, and fastening their Spanish acquisition (both course and practice are conducted in Spanish). PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU NEED THE COMPLETE SYLLABUS FOR THIS COURSE
US Credits: 3/4
ECTS Credits: 6/8
Class Hours: 60
Category: Spanish Courses
This 30-hour workshop is designed for future teachers of Spanish as a Second Language. Trainee teachers will discuss mandatory theoretical readings with their tutor, carry out class observations, write lesson plans and reports, and manage different learning activities during a SSL class. All this will be recorded in a final dossier. Trainees will have the opportunity to work closely with a faculty specialized in second language acquisition and teach on an immersion program. An advanced level of proficiency in Spanish is required. This course can accommodate students at the MA level (SPAN 590) with a final research paper.
US Credits: 2/3
ECTS Credits: 4/6
Class Hours: 30
Category: Spanish Courses