Graduate Degrees at University of Buenos Aires
University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
University of Buenos Aires (More than a century old) is the largest and most prestigious in the country, and has been a key actor in Argentina’s cultural, scientific, and academic development.
Ranked among the firsts locally and among the first five in Latin American, it is well known at home and abroad for the excellence of its graduates and the quality of its teachers and researchers.
Argentina proudly claims several Nobel Prize Winners, four of which have graduated from and/or taught at UBA: Dr. Bernardo Houssay, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1947, Professor at the School of Medicine, UBA; Dr. Luis Federico Leloir, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1970, Professor at the School of Medicine, UBA; Dr. César Milstein, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1984, former Professor at the School of Medicine, UBA; Dr. Carlos Saavedra Lamas, Nobel Prize in Peace in 1936, former Professor at the School of Law and Rector, UBA.
UBA consists of thirteen colleges/schools, dozens of research institutes, and two secondary schools, offering more than 100 undergraduate majors. There is a teaching staff of 30,000 teachers, and approximately 300,000 students; 30% of scientific research in Argentina takes place at UBA. Standard undergraduate studies last approximately 5 years. UBA offers several graduate programmes, masters, PhDs, and specialisation courses as well.
Graduate Degrees at University of Buenos Aires: Earn your Graduate Degree at UBA!
Please find below a comprehensive list of Graduate Degrees offered at University of Buenos Aires.
In order to see Graduate Degrees offered at University of Buenos Aires, please choose a School.
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Bromatology and Food Technology |
MA in Molecular Biology |
Specialization in Chemical Sciences and the Environment. |
MA in Biotechnology |
Specialization in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
MA in Bromatology and Food Technology |
Specialization in Mining Geology |
MA in Environmental Sciences |
Specialization in Industrial Hygiene and Safety |
MA in Mathematical Statistics |
Specialization in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
MA in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
Specialization in Statistics |
MA in Medical Physics |
MA in Agrarian Meteorology |
MA in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
MA in Public Health |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Metropolitan Environmental Management. |
MA in Advanced Architectonic Design |
Specialization in Furniture design |
MA in Urban and Regional Planning |
Specialization in Interior Architecture |
MA in Public Health |
Specialization in Strategic Management of Design |
Specialization in History and Criticism of Architecture and Design |
Teaching career |
Specialization in Planning of Physical Resources in Health |
Authorized teacher |
Specialization in Urban and Regional Planning |
Specialization in Landscape Planning |
Specialization in Real Estate and Project Valuation |
Specialization in Architecture Technology and Production |
Specialization in Biodesign and Mechatronic products |
Specialization in the Design of Products for Architecture |
Specialization in Logic and Techniques of Shapes |
Specialization in Preservation, Upkeep and Recycling of Patrimonial Buildings. |
Specialization in Communicational Design. |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Show Business Administration
Master in Administration |
Specialization in Management of Companies in Crisis |
Master in Public Administration |
Specialization in Financial Administration
Master in Work Social Sciences |
Specialization in Financial Administration of the Public Sector
Master in International Accountancy |
Specialization in Labor Social Sciences
Master in Economy |
Specialization in Strategic Direction of Human Resources
Master in Business Management of International Commerce and Integration |
Specialization in International Strategic Economy |
Master in Economic History and Economic Policies |
Specialization in Mngmt. of Small and Medium Companies |
Master in International Migration Policies |
Specialization in Company Management of International Commerce and Integration |
Master in Regional Integration Processes with emphasis on MERCOSUR |
Specialization in Economic History and Economic Policies |
Master in International Economic Relations |
Specialization in Capital Markets |
Master in Public Health |
Specialization in Economic Journalism |
Specialization in International Migration Policies |
Specialization in Receivership |
Specialization in Taxation |
Specialization in Administration of Financial Organizations |
Specialization in Social Economy and Local development |
Specialization in Result Management and Management Control |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Bromatology and Food Technology |
MA in Biotechnology |
Specialization in Surgery of Small Animals |
MA in Bromatology and Technology of Food Industrialization |
Specialization in University teaching oriented to Veterinarian and Biologic Sciences |
MA in Water Management |
Specialization in Agro food Innocuousness and Quality |
MA in Animal Health |
MA in Public Health |
MA in Porcine Health and Production |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Bromatology and Food Technology |
MA in Molecular Biology |
Specialization in Chemical Sciences and the Environment. |
MA in Biotechnology |
Specialization in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
MA in Bromatology and Food Technology |
Specialization in Mining Geology |
MA in Environmental Sciences |
Specialization in Industrial Hygiene and Safety |
MA in Mathematical Statistics |
Specialization in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
MA in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
Specialization in Statistics |
MA in Medical Physics |
MA in Agrarian Meteorology |
MA in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
MA in Public Health |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Industrial Social Sciences |
MA in Industrial Social Sciences |
Specialization in Journalism Planning and Management |
MA in Culture and Communication |
Specialization in Planning and Management of Social Policies |
MA in Social Sciences Research |
Specialization in Politics and Management of Science and Technology |
MA in Journalism |
Specialization in International Migration Policies |
MA in the Issue of Improper Drug Use |
Specialization in the Issue of Improper Drug Use |
MA in Politics and Management of Science and Technology |
Specialization in Childhood and Adolescence |
MA in International Migration Policies |
Specialization in Social Issues of Childhood and Adolescence |
MA in Processes of Regional Integration –MERCOSUR |
MA in Public Health |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Pathologic Mouth Anatomy |
MA in Periodontics |
Specialization in Mouth – Maxillary- Facial Surgery and Orthopedics. |
MA in Public Health oriented to Management of Mouth Health Systems and Services. |
Specialization in Pediatric Dentistry |
MA in Public Health |
Specialization in Orthodontics |
Specialization in Periodontics |
Specialization in Mouth – Maxillary- Facial Image Diagnosis. |
University Internship on Mouth Health |
Specialization in Endodontics |
Specialization in Prosthodontics |
Teaching course |
Specialization in Prosthetic Rehabilitation of High Complexity with Orientation in Implantassisted |
Degree: Authorized teacher. |
Prosthesis and Partial Fixed Prosthesis |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Justice Administration |
MA in Biotechnology |
Specialization in Legal Advice to Companies |
MA in Industrial Social Sciences |
Specialization in Industrial Social Sciences |
MA in Commercial and Business Law. |
Specialization in Administrative Law and Public Administration |
MA in Family, Childhood and Adolescence Law. |
Specialization in Banking Law |
MA in International Private Law |
Specialization in Damage Law |
MA in Criminal Law of MERCOSUR. |
Specialization in Family Law |
MA in Law and Economy |
Specialization in Labor Law |
MA in Law Philosophy |
Specialization in Criminal Law |
MA in Magistracy |
Specialization in Tax Law |
MA in International Relations |
Specialization in the Legal and Economic Structure of Energy Regulation |
MA in Theory and Practice on the Elaboration of Legal Rules |
Specialization in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
MA in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
Specialization in International Migration Policies |
MA in International Migration Policies |
Specialization in Natural resources |
MA in Processes of Regional Integration - MERCOSUR |
Specialization in Legal Sociology |
MA in the Issue of Improper Drug Use |
Interdisciplinary Specialization in the Issue of Improper Drug Use |
MA in Translation and Interpretation |
Interdisciplinary Specialization in Social Issues of Childhood and Adolescence |
MA in Public Health |
Specialization in Translation and Interpretation |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Technological Applications of Nuclear Energy |
MA in Biotechnology |
Specialization in Industrial Social Sciences |
MA in Industrial Social Sciences |
Specialization in Environmental Diagnosis and Evaluation |
MA in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. |
Specialization in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. |
MA in Industrial Direction Engineering |
Specialization in Oilfield Exploitation – Reservoir Engineering |
MA in Transport Engineering – Road Orientation |
Specialization in Gas |
MA in Oil and Natural Gas Engineering |
Specialization in Industrial Hygiene and Safety |
MA in Telecommunications Engineering |
Specialization in Industrial Automation Engineering |
MA in Sanitary and Environmental Sciences Engineering |
Specialization in Systems Engineering |
MA in Optoelectronics |
Specialization in Telecommunications Engineering |
MA in Processes of Regional Integration - MERCOSUR |
Specialization in Harbor Engineering |
MA in Environmental Protection |
Specialization in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering |
MA in Public Health |
Specialization in Oil |
MA in the Steel Industry |
Specialization in Telecommunications Services and Networks |
MA in Numeric Simulation and Control |
Specialization in the Steel Industry |
Specialization in Telecommunication Technologies |
Specialization in Geodesic-Geophysical Engineering |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry, Area of Clinical Bacteriology |
MA in Medical Molecular Biology |
Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry, Area of Cytology |
MA in Biotechnology |
Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry, Area of Endocrinology. |
MA in Bromatology and Technology of Food Industrialization |
Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry, Area of Quality Management and Auditing in Clinical Biochemistry |
MA in the Issue of Improper Drug Use |
Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry, Area Hematology |
MA in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry, Area of Clinical Chemistry. |
MA in Public Health |
Specialization in Bromatology and Food Technology |
Specialization in Sterilization for Pharmacists |
Internships |
Specialization in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
Internships in Toxicology |
Specialization in Cosmetic Production. |
Internship in Clinical Biochemistry |
Specialization in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Industries – Orientation in Development and Quality Guarantee. |
Internship in Pharmaceutics |
Specialization in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Industries – Orientation in Galenic |
Development and Pharmaceutical Production |
Specialization in Policies and Management of Science and Technology |
If you have questions about any of the graduate degrees listed here or if you want more information (Course Description, Syllabus...) please contact us , we will be happy to assist you.
Specialization Courses
Master Degrees |
Specialization in Industrial Social Sciences |
MA in Industrial Social Sciences |
Specialization in Psychological Evaluation |
MA in the Issue of Improper Drug Use |
Specialization in Policies and Management of Mental Health |
MA in International Migration Policies |
Specialization in International Migration Policies |
MA in Psychoanalysis |
Specialization in Communitarian Social Psychology |
MA in Cognitive Psychology |
Specialization in Systemic-Relational Therapy |
MA in Educational Psychology |
Interdisciplinary Specialization in the Issue of Improper Drug Use |
MA in Communitarian Social Psychology |
Interdisciplinary Specialization in Clinical Neuropsychology |
MA in Public Health |
Interdisciplinary Specialization in Social Issues of Childhood and Adolescence |
Interdisciplinary Specialization in Family Violence |
