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HomeBuenos Aires BasicsWeekend Highlights: November 15-17

Weekend Highlights: November 15-17

The Gods of Argentine weekends have blessed us with one more day to enjoy staying out until the sun comes up, sleeping in until the afternoon, and stuffing our faces with food, glorious food. If you don’t love the nightlife or love to boogie on the disco ’round, the great news is that there is never a shortage of activities to take advantage of in the notorious B.A. This long weekend has plenty to offer and according to the pronóstico, the weather is not going to be sunny and 75. Sorry to break it to you, but the forecast calls for rain on Saturday and Sunday. Side note, you can never FULLY trust the weather reports in Argentina. Why? Because zones with a temperate climate have very unpredictable weather. In spite of the dreary weather, we have some pretty sweet options for you to soak up your three days of freedom.

Speaking of long weekends, I seriously can’t think of any other country that has more public holidays than Argentina. Maybe India? Colombia? Argentina has a grand total of 15. A whopping F-I-V-E more than the United States. This coming Monday is the Day of National Sovereignty, which commemorates the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado in 1845 that lead to the signing of a peace treaty between Argentina, France and Britain.

Here is the lineup for this long weekend, including lots of good food and bangin’ music!


Jazz Festival

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This new edition of #BAJazz is arguably the most important Jazz festival in Buenos Aires with 27 different locations across the city. It will feature over 500 artists, national and international, with swing classes in various parks and improvisation galore.

7pm / Various locations around the city / Info / Tickets 

Flavors of Japan 

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If you love sushi as much as we do at Mente, this dinner is definitely not one to miss! This sushi extravaganza also rolls (haha) into this Saturday and begins at the same times mentioned below. Good, fresh sushi is very hard to come by, but this event space organizes for the Japanese Association in Argentina, so I more than trust this sushi.

8pm, 10:30pm / Espacio Alto Hanami, Av. Medrano 1230 / Info

Breaking down the Binary – Queer Tango Style

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Legend has it that tango was originally danced between immigrant men when they arrived to the Río de la Plata region throughout the various waves of European immigration Argentina has experienced. Over time, tango evolved into a heterosexual dance and has remained so for over 10 decades. This queer tango experience fights back against the patriarchy, machismo culture and most importantly, gender norms. Various tango classes and milongas will take place at various locations across the city. For exact times and locations for Friday, Saturday and Sunday events, refer to the calendar linked below.

Starting at 12pm / Various locations around the city / Info 


Vegan Street Fair Screen Shot 2019-11-15 at 14.32.29

The 6th edition of the annual Feria Vegana takes places this Saturday in the neighborhood of Chacarita and features the best vegan products on the market, from food to other things. Vegan culture in Argentina is picking up quickly, although its trends are far behind those of other countries. Experience some yummy vegan Argentine recipes and artwork!

11am – 7pm / Chacarita neighborhood / Info 

Yoga in Bosques de Palermo

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For those of you who l-o-v-e yoga, this gathering takes place every Saturday in the same location… next to that big metal flower in Bosques de Palermo. Unless Mother Nature decides otherwise, the yogis will be waiting for you to de-stress and connect with your inner-self. I used to be a skeptic, but I took a yoga class just last weekend and honestly… LIFE. CHANGING. I invite all those interested to do the same.

3pm / Plaza de las Naciones Unidas / Info 


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A veredazo is essentially a block party with music, dancing, lots of food, all in the name of celebrating culture. The 7th annual “Veredazo” will feature various kinds of art, including poetry, live painting, live music, pottery, and more. It is a space for artists and the community to freely express themselves and enjoy one another. This is a unique experience and if you are interested, it is definitely not one to miss.

4pm / 77 Riobamba 2675, Ciclo Musical Alberdi / Info 


Italian Food Week

Screen Shot 2019-11-15 at 15.45.35Everyone who’s anyone in Argentina has a distant –or not so distant– Italian relative. Italian culture is more than important in this country, as most of the food, gestures, and even the dialect of the language is influenced by Italian immigrants. Most Italian-Argentine cuisine has a different twist, but this event will offer the vero affare (real deal).

Starting at 11am / Agustín R Caffarena 1, Usina del Arte Info / Tickets 

Flavors of the Homeland

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Yet another food festival! Don’t you love Buenos Aires for its… fooooood, glorious foooood. If you didn’t get that Ice Age reference, then you didn’t have a childhood. Sabores features some delicious grub from the homeland- Argentina. So go try some pastelitos, and enjoy traditional Argentine cuisine.

*This event will be canceled in the event of inclement weather.

4pm / Plaza Barracas de Belgrano / Info 


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