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HomeBuenos Aires BasicsWeekend Highlights! Dec. 11- Dec. 14

Weekend Highlights! Dec. 11- Dec. 14

Thursday, December 11th (high: 23C low 17°C, partially cloudy)

3:00PM: Photography:Margaret Bourke-White@Centro Cultural Borges (Viamonte 525)

Free!7:00PM:Gallery Nights@various galleries in Palermo

9:00PM : Live music:Miranda!@Niceto club (Niceto Vega 5510)


Friday, December 12th (high: 28°C low 18°C,  partially cloudy)

8:00PM: Parrilla Dinner@La Fonda del Polo (Báez 301-Las Cañitas)

10:00PM: Dark theater: El Olvido de los Cuerpos@Impacto Teatral (Querandies 4290)

12:00AM: Dance party! Noche Circular@BeatFlow (Cordoba 5509)


Saturday, December 13h (*high: 29 C low 17°C, thunder storms)

1:00PM: Holiday Shopping@ Galeria Patio del Liceo (Av. Santa Fe 2729)

4:00PM:ALIEN Museum! @Galeria del Asombro (Defensa 1295 – San Telmo)      

6:00PM:Grab a choripan@Desnivel (Defensa 855 – San Telmo)    

8:00PM: Theater: La Historia Cualquiera@ La Gallarda (Inside Parque Centenario)


Sunday, December 14th (high: 28C low 17°C, Rainy)

2:00PM: Lunch @ Café San Juan (Av. San Juan 450-San Telmo)

4:00 PM:Holiday shopping: El Mercat@Central Cultural Konex (Sarmiento 3131)

8:00PM: Festival of the art of sound and experimental music @MAMBA (Av. San Juan 350)



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