Monday, March 3, 2025

Song of the Week: Tanguito

Tanguito is a founding father of what has come to be called “Argentine Rock” or “Rock Nacional”. He along with some other well known argentine artists would hang out and shoot the breeze about art, philosophy, music etc. at La Cueva night club, Norte Hotel, and La Perla del Once.   These sites were essential to the formation of the genre.  They are,DOCUMENTO-BEATNIKS-PAJARITO-DESAYUNAN-PERLA_CLAIMA20101122_0036_8perhaps, the equivalent of the Chelsea Hotel or City Lights in the sense that bohemian, artist/poet/ bohemian types would meet up and collaborate there.  The interesting thing about these particular sites is that they promoted rock music with spanish lyrics, whereas the rest of the country was producing rock music mainly in English.  This worked in the movement´s favor when the Falkland´s war happened. With the whole english thing being a national sore spot,  the radio stopped playing music in english for several months. During this time members of the Argentine Rock movement got their airtime and subsequent recognition.




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