Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Plaza San Martín

Which of the following are true about Argentinean General Jose de San Martín:

  1. After benching 310 lbs. at the top of Machu Picchu, General San Martín declared Spanish rule “softer than an alfajor”.
  2. San Martin became a national hero in many South American countries, particularly in Argentina, where he also had strong personal ties, as he was born there, and enforced his ties by later marrying an Argentine.
  3. Jose de San Martín owned fellow liberator Simon Bolivar many, many times at FIFA 1817 for PS.

The correct answer is number two.  Although General San Martín’s wit and strength were strong, he most certainly didn’t “bench” 310 at the top of Machu Picchu.  He led Argentina’s army against Spanish forces for independence from Spain.  After eight years of fighting for control of Rio de La Plata region he was finally able to sign independence on July 9 1816.

Plaza San Martín in Buenos Aires is a beautiful park in barrio Retiro.  This spacious circular retreat is the perfect location to relax and enjoy a nice day.  The park was host to General. San Martín’s army’s’ main barracks in 1810.  Today, many Porteños spend their lunch breaks sitting under massive Ombú trees sipping mate and reading the local news.  There is a wonderful view of the Torre de los Ingless (British Clock Tower) near the main lawn.  The Malvinas Memorial is also located in Plaza San Martín (thank you Alejandro).  After gallivanting through Florida St. many tourists like to relax on the many park benches.  This is a great place to relax and take in all that is Buenos Aires.

Brian Athey-


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