Monday, March 31, 2025

Participant Highlight: Catarina

Over the last few months we have had the pleasure of getting to know Catarina, an intelligent and driven student and entrepreneur of just 21 years of age. Catarina participated in Mente’s intensive spanish and internship program during her 10 week stay in Buenos Aires. We chose to highlight Catarina because we admired the way that approached this crazy city- with an open mind and a lot of energy. Catarina took full advantage of her Mente program, developing strong relationships with her roommates and coming to as many events as possible. We’ve enjoyed Catarina’s presence at events such as pizza night, happy hour, the circus, tours of the city and many more.

“I fell in love with this city. It is way better than I expected!” Catarina was pleasantly surprised at how easily she fell into the groove of Buenos Aires. She explained that because Buenos Aires is such a multicultural city, she felt like she fit right in. “I really appreciated that people that are from here were willing to talk to me. People seemed proud that you want to visit their city and are interested in talking to you.” Catarina was never at a loss for something to do, bouncing from her internship, to dinner to try new delicious foods, to Buenos Aires night life with new friends. She filled her weekends with trips, tours and familiarizing herself with all of the neighborhoods of the city.

Catarina did her internship in international business and trade. She worked for a civil association and exporting network that is comprised of and directed by small and medium-sized manufacturing firms in Argentina. In an at times unpredictable trade environment, this group provides mutual support network for its independent member businesses. Catarina’s primary role was to work with smaller companies and help them to make connections with international contacts to increase exports, access foreign markets, and maximize competitiveness. Catarina spent a lot of time on the phone with different companies in Latin America, giving her a chance to practice her Spanish skills and become more confident in utilizing them in a professional setting. She described the environment of the work place and its advantages to someone who is new to the city, “The people that worked there were willing to give helpful advice when I was getting to know the city and wrote me a recommendation letter without me even having to ask. Some of my coworkers were interested in staying longer in Buenos Aires and my boss helped them make contacts for potential work.”

¨It was great to be able to work for a well- established organization. I got to know what the day to day of international trade felt like and the experience helped me to figure out the next steps in my education and career. ¨ Catarina does not yet know exactly what the future will bring, but she does know that she will soon be beginning a two year program in Paris for her master’s degree in International Security. Until then, she is climbing her way up South America, first to La Paz, through Lake Titicaca to Peru, through the canyons of Arequpa, and finally through Ecuador before returning to her home in Portugal. Catarina is a woman who knows what she wants and we have no doubt that she will be successful in whatever it is that she decides to do. Being a person who naturally brings people together, Catarina is most certainly missed here in Buenos Aires. Although luck is unnecessary for a such a dynamic and goal oriented person, we wish Catarina all the best in all of the challenges and adventures that her future holds.

Before going, Catarina assured us with confidence, “Don’t worry, I will be back.” Don’t be a stranger, Catarina, and we will see you a la vuelta.




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