Monday, March 3, 2025

Intensive Spanish @ Mente Argentina – Blake

Blake, from the United States, participated in the Mente Argentina Intensive Spanish Program. Thank you for sharing your experience!


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Hi, my name is Blake and I’m from the US. I was a participant in Mente for about two months during my gap year between highschool and college. I decided to take a gap year to travel the world a bit more, maybe work on my Spanish. I did a program in the fall in Asia and afterwards I didn’t really have any plans so my friends and I decided to travel in South America. We did a little time in Bolivia and Chile and after that I decided I just wanted to settle down a little bit and spend some time in a city like Buenos Aires and practice my Spanish. So over the internet I found Mente Argentina and I communicated with them- with Marcelo and David, and it was a super simple process. I had no knowledge about Buenos Aires and how to navigate the process: how to find a homestay, a place to live or a Spanish school to study at so Mente Argentina was super helpful with all of those things. They were a great intermediary. Through them I was able to find a Spanish school which was such an amazing time. I've gotten to meet so many cool people from all over the world and my Spanish has gotten so much better in only a few weeks. When I got there I basically spoke no Spanish even though I had taken Spanish classes for like my entire life, which is the experience of a lot of people in the US. Thanks to Mente I can now have conversations with argentinos, it's been such an awesome opportunity for me and I’m so grateful for that. Mente was able to connect me with two different host families which was also an awesome opportunity because during my time in the apartment I was able to have conversations with my host mom and learn more about Argentina and the porteño lifestyle. That’s been such an integral part of my time here in Buenos Aires so I am so grateful to Mente Argentina for both of those opportunities. While I was in Buenos Aires I was able to connect with so many different people from all over the world, from Italy, Holland, the US, Britain and other parts of Europe and South America and that was all because of Mente. They’ve created an amazing network. I was able to go to their free events where I could drink, eat, play games and do all kinds of different things, see different parts of the city that if it hadn’t been for Mente I wouldn’t have been able to see just because I didn’t know about them. We were able to learn a lot about the city through the people that work at Mente who might be foreigners themselves but they’ve spent a lot of time in Buenos Aires and they have a really cool perspective on the city so they were able to teach us a lot about it. I’m so grateful to Mente for providing me with everything during my time here, it was unforgettable and I would definitely recommend joining them.Intensive Spanish @ Mente Argentina - Blake