Saturday, March 29, 2025

Holidays in Argentina: 2018

Feriado is a good word to know in Spanish. It means holiday! No school, no work, perhaps a feast or a chance to get out of the city and see other parts of this beautiful country! Take a break from your Spanish lessons or your internship in Buenos Aires and go to Iguazu or Salta! And if you stay in the city, check out all of the events and activities Buenos Aires has to offer. Make sure that you anticipate feriados so you can take advantage of your time here. We’ve made it a bit easier to do that – here’s a list of all of the holidays in 2018.


Monday, January 1st: Año Nuevo (New Year)

Monday & Tuesday, February 12 & 13: Carnaval

Saturday, March 24th: Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia (National Day of Memoray for Truth and Justice – in honor of the 30,000 people “disappeared” during the military dictatorship between 1976-1983)

Thursday & Friday, March 29 & 30: Jueves Santo (Holy Thursday) & Viernes Santo (Good Friday)

Monday, April 2: Día del Veterano y de los Caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas (Veteran’s Day & Day of Remembrance for the Fallen in the Falklands War)

Monday, April 30: Bridge holiday for Labor Dy

Tuesday, May 1: Día del trabajador (Labor Day)

Friday, May 25: Día de la Revolución de Mayo (May Revolution Day)

Sunday, June 17: Paso a la Inmortalidad del General Martín Miguel de Güemes (General Martín Miguel de Güemes Day)

Wednesday, June 20: Paso a la Inmortalidad del General Manuel Belgrano (General Manuel Belgrano Day)

Monday, July 9: Día de la Independencia (Independence Day)

Monday, August 20: Día de la Bandera / Paso a la Inmortalidad del General San Martín (Flag Day / General San Martín Day)

Monday, October 15: Día del Respeto por la Diversidad Cultural (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity)

Monday, November 19: Día de la Soberanía Nacional (National Sovereignty Day)

Saturday, December 8: Inmaculada Concepción de María (Day of the Immaculate Conception)

Monday, December 24: Bridge holiday for Christmas

Tuesday, December 25: Navidad (Christmas)

Monday, December 31: Bridge holiday for New Year’s Eve


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