ONE thing study abroad students often notice is that breakfast in Buenos Aires is a drastically different animal than many European and North Americans are accustomed to. Often, breakfast includes a quick matecito or some tostados con queso crema before running out the door. And while the waffles and pancakes and eggs play less of a role here, they DO have a delicious morning treat that is hard to compete with: facturas. Facturas, literally translated as “bill” or “reciept,” is what Argentinians call the genre of delicious pastries that they have to offer the morning sweet tooth. These tasty treats are best for those study abroad students and interns on the go: hop out of bed, make yourself a quick café and run down the street to the local panadería to grab a quick delicious breakfast before your Spanish classes start! Some of these facturas can be easily recognized, and some are absolutely alien looking, but all will twist your mouth into a medialuna–shaped sonrisa, which is our favorite way here at Mente Argentina to start our mornings! Here are a few delicious delicacies that you can enjoy and even learn how to cook with our Mente Argentina cooking program in Buenos Aires for a great Argentinian breakfast!Factura fillings
Dulce de leche: A type of caramel, a sticky and sweet Argentinian specialty that seems to go in and on just about every breakfast, snack, and dessert. Dulce de membrillo: This light red jam is subtler than the frutilla (strawberry) or frambuesa (raspberry) jams and makes for a light yet sweet filling for a pastry or spread. Made out of quince fruit grown commonly in the central and northern parts of Argentina, it is common for membrillo to be found in or on top of your morning facturas. Crema pastelera: This vanilla-flavored cream is found often on tortas and pasteles
Types of Facturas
Find out how to cook/bake your own facturas and their filling through our culinary courses in Argentine cuisine through Mente Argentina’s study abroad program, and for those of you already here in Buenos Aires, get yourself to the local panadería to try out the most bizarrely delicious looking factura. ¡Buenos Días!
Breakfast in Buenos Aires