Mente Argentina Blog
Weekend Highlights: December 16-18
Friday, December 16
Alververás Panorama (live rooftop projections and music) 21hs @ Montserrat neighborhood (send message for address) Info
Competencia Nacional de Breakdance JAM (National Breakdance Competition) 16hs @ Centro Cultural Recoleta, Junin 1930 Info
Afteronce: Música y arte...
LOOONG Weekend Highlights: December 7-11
Wednesday, Dec. 7
Bloque Depresivo 21hs @ Xirgu Espacio Untref, Chacabuco 875 Info / Tickets
Pommez International 21hs @ Beatflow, Av. Córdoba 5509 Info
Noches de Morbo #3 Dub 00hs @ Club Cultural Matienzo, Pringles 1249 Info / Tickets
Thursday, Dec. 8
Pampa Trash,...
Weekend Highlights: December 2-4
Friday, December 2
Los Espíritus en patio Konex with Buenos Muchachos 19-22hs @ Ciudad Cultural Konex, Sarmiento 3131 Info / Tickets
Santa Folia V.2 • Folia Do Sul + Santa Azucena 00hs @ Ultra Bar, San Martín...
Weekend Highlights November 25-27
Friday, November 25
Festival Internacional BA Jazz 21.30hs @ Thelonius Jazz Club, Salguero 1884 Info / Festival Program (Nov. 23-28)
Festival Wateke 14hs @ Hipódromo de Palermo, Av. Del Libertador 4101 (Music, stand-up, food, & shows of juggling...
Weekend Highlights: November 18-20
Friday, November 18
Psico-Delia en el CCK 19hs @ Centro Cultural Kirchner, Sarmiento 151 Info
Morbo & Mambo y Aloe 21-00hs @ Niceto Club, Niceto Vega 5510 Info / Tickets
Fiesta LOCA 2016 00hs @ Palermo Club,...
Weekend Highlights: November 11-13
Friday, November 11
Excentridades espaciales y Abstracciones descentradas 11-19hs @ Macba, San Juan 328 Info
La Mágica con Mala Fama, Miss Bolivia y Flor de Piedra 23.30hs @ Groove, Av. Santa Fe 4389 Info
Ernesto Ferreyra & Santiago Martinez 23hs...
How to prepare a successful resume in 10 easy steps
Your resume is the first piece of information a potential employer receives about you. That’s why it’s crucial for it to be representative of who you are professionally – your experiences, accomplishments and skills. Your...
Weekend Highlights: November 4-6
Friday, November 4
King Coya y Queen Cholas + Nación Ekeko (fusion of electronic/Andean/Amazonic music & dance) 21hs-00hs @ Santos 4040 Info / Tickets
Crobar Be Techno 23:30hs @ Crobar, Marcelino Freyre (doesn't have a number), Palermo...
Weekend Highlights: Oct 28-30
Friday, October 28
Expo Hunch Tattoo 19:00-22:00hs @ Espacio Cabrera, Cabrera 3641 Info / Register (free but registration is mandatory)
Fuerza Bruta with Mente! 20:15hs @ Sala Villa Villa, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Junín 1930 Info
Rosebar Halloween 23:00hs @ Rosebar, Honduras...
Meet Mente Participants: Shalom & the Tango Program
Shalom did the tango program with us last year, but she didn't get her fill of Buenos Aires (and we can never get enough of her!) so she came back for round 2. It...