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Mente Argentina Blog

Rooted in the heart of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mente Argentina is an internationally recognized, awarded organization committed to offering international participants remarkable educational opportunities and high-quality personal support through dynamic and personalized experiences. We relentlessly innovate our experiences to let our participants explore and appreciate Argentina in a distinctive way. Our primary goal is to facilitate academic success, foster global awareness, and stimulate personal growth, ensuring that each participant's Argentine experience is as unique as they are. Today, Mente Argentina is the leader organization in Spanish, Short Immersion Programs, Study Abroad, Internships and Volunteer Programs in Argentina. Whether you're enhancing your Spanish skills, joining a short-term program, experiencing an undergraduate or graduate semester/academic year program in Buenos Aires, interning with a local organization, volunteering with selected NGOs, pursuing a degree or specialization, Mente Argentina's programs are designed for those who would like to explore and appreciate Argentina in a distinctive way. Be more than just a tourist! For more information, please visit

Weekend Highlights: September 28-30th

Friday, September 28 ESABA 13 - Encuentro SocioAmbiental de Buenos Aires 18hs @ Ecoaldea Velatropa, Ciudad Universitaria (Costanera Norte), Info Tango Queer, libre de roles, clases y milongas 19hs @ Tierra Violeta Centro Cultural, Tacuari 538 Info Lana...

Weekend Highlights: September 21-23

Friday, September 21 Especial La Bomba de Tiempo Día del Estudiante Para Todo Público 18-21hs @ Konex, Sarmiento 3131 Info // Tickets Resistencia Patagonica Vol V. 21hs @ Espacio Tucuman, Suipacha 140 Info Radio Colmena 8 años: fiesta...

Weekend Highlights: September 14-16

Friday, September 14 MUTEK Argentina - Edición 2 (Evento Oficial) 16hs @ Centro Cultural Kirchner, Sarmiento 151 Info Caro Cossi,Seba Pennella,Facu Suárez & the daltonixs 22hs @ Casa Dasein, Estado de Israel 4116 Info KQmbia Marika de...

Weekend Highlights: September 7-9

Friday, September 7 Cam Beszkin - ALIEN Vol. 1 21hs @ La Tangente, Lacroze 5317 Info // Tickets Tobogán Andaluz, Nene Almíbar y El Príncipe Idiota 23hs @ Matienzo, Pringles 1249 Info // Tickets HiedraH Club de...

Weekend Highlights: August 31-September 2

Friday, August 31 Ópera | Pelléas & Mélisande 20hs @ Teatro Colón, Tucuman 1171 Info // Tickets TOCH en Buenos Aires - Gira lanzamiento "Voy a encenderme" 21:30hs @ Club Cultural Matienzo, Pringles 1249 Info //...

Weekend Highlights: August 24-26

Friday, August 24 Tango Queer, libre de roles, clases y milongas 18:30-21:30hs @ Centro Cultural Tierra Violeta, Tacuarí 538 Info Rojo El Regreso 19hs @ Groove, Santa Fe 4389 Info // Tickets VIII Gala Internacional de Ballet 20:30hs...

Weekend Highlights: August 17-20

Friday, August 17 Ópera | Las indias galantes 20hs @ Teatro Colón, Tucuman 1171 Info // Tickets Matienzo JAM CLUB // Luismi vs The Others 21hs @ Matienzo, Pringles 1249 Info // Tickets Perotá Chingó 21hs @ ND...

Weekend Highlights: August 10-12

Friday, August 10 Ray Charles Songbook 21 a 23hs @ Jazz Voyeur, Posadas 1557 info // tickets Los Rusos HDP y Paula Maffía & Sons en Buenos Aires 21hs @ Salas Caras y Caretas, Sarmiento 2037 info...

Weekend Highlights: July 27-29

Friday, July 27 Woody Allen Night x Paris Jazz Club 21hs @ Bebop Club, Moreno 364 info // tickets Patio de Tango! Clases y Milonga Gratis!  21hs @ Manzana de las Luces, Perú 222 info  Blackdali Presenta "Quinto Sol" 19hs @ The Roxy...

Weekend Highlights: July 20-22 *Día del amigo Edition*

Friday, July 20 Vorterix Punk 19hs a 21hs @ Teatro Vorterix, Lacroze 3455 info // tickets Buena Vibra: Especial Día del Amigo en la Trasnoche del Konex 23hs @ Konex, Sarmiento 3131 info // tickets Grisel D'Angelo - Jazz &...