Monday, March 31, 2025

Academic Semester Program @ Mente Argentina – Nam

Nam, student at Bennington College from Vietnam, participated in the Mente Argentina Academic Semester Program. Thank you for sharing your experience!


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Hi, my name is Nam, I am from Vietnam but I am currently studying in the US at Bennington college. I did a semester abroad in Argentina, here in Buenos Aires. I found Mente Argentina from the internet and it has been four months of studying, living a whole new different experience. After four months I think that I’ve learned a lot not only about Argentina, but also about Latin America in general. The most important thing is that I have been able to think about who I am, about my country, and about what I want to do in the future, so that’s something that I value a lot. Buenos Aires is a very diverse city, and it’s really fun. The media and political scene is quite polemic so if you want to read the news you read from Página 12 but also Clarín to have a more balanced perspective. I feel like after four months my Spanish really improved, I made a lot of friends from all over the world. After four months what I really want to do now, moving forward, is to finish my last year in college in the US and then start my Masters degree after, but I definitely want to return to Latin America to see how my perspective will change.Academic Semester Program @ Mente Argentina - Nam