Monday, March 31, 2025

Internship & Yoga @ Mente Argentina – Cherilyn

Cherilyn, from the United Kingdom, participated in the Mente Argentina Internship Program and Yoga Program. Thank you for sharing your experience!


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Hi, my name is Cherilyn, I’m from the UK and I got to Buenos Aires about a month ago. I lived with three other people from all over the world which was pretty cool. I came here to work for a NGO and also do a yoga course which was really cool. Everyone was really nice and open, my yoga teacher was really cool, I learned a lot of new things and met a lot of different people. I got to go to a villa which I particularly enjoyed, which is a quite poor area but it was really interesting to go there. My favorite part of Buenos Aires was the different gardens like the rose garden and japanese garden. There is a lot of beautiful scenery and natural areas. There are also a lot of cool bars and everyone is really friendly and nice and I learned a lot of Spanish here as well.Internship & Yoga @ Mente Argentina - Cherilyn