Monday, March 31, 2025
HomeThe Must DoWhere to EatBuenos Aires Style Pizzerias

Buenos Aires Style Pizzerias

Living in Buenos Aires you have surely seen countless pizzerias on every street corner. The range of quality goes from heavenly to debatably the worst pizza ever.  Don’t worry, we sussed out the options for you and have boiled it down to four vital Bs. As. Pizzerias.  To boot, three out of four are within walking distance of one another. Perhaps a pizza joint crawl is in order?

Mind you, Buenos Aires pizza has its own flare. When I say “flare” what I really mean is cheese. Lots and lots of cheese.  Prepare yourself for the thick, greasy, cheesy, deliciousness that is Buenos Aires style Pizza. Porteños will tell you that Buenos Aires has some of the best pizza in the world and living here it is a basic requirement that you educate yourself on what they mean. We know, you really have your work cut out for you…

Don’t forget to order fainá- a garbonzo based flat bread that comes as a topping. Just do it.



This is debatably the best pizza in the city and is the perfect introduction to Bs.As. style pizza. Although it is as thick and cheesy as the rest, it isn’t too greasy.   You have the option to sit or to stand and eat your pizza. It is cheaper to stand and, well, it’s just the thing to do.

Las Cuartetas


This is your 2:00 am pizza joint.  It is thick and greasy and the perfect place to go when you are out with a bunch of friends and looking for a place to grab a bite. On a Friday or Saturday night the back room is chaotic- filled with people speaking loudly over the pizza and beer.  Just how a late night pizza joint should be, no?

  El Cuartito 


By far the El Cuartito is the cutest of all final four.  Appropriately named, El Cuartito’s kitschiness earns it its place as the best spot for atmosphere. You have the option of eating in or, like Güerrin, ordering at the counter and standing. 

La Mezzeta

La Mezzetta1

This is your hole in the wall spot.  From the outside it doesn’t look like much but the pizza at La Mezzeta is like cake, if cake tasted like pizza. Need we say more?  Some say that la Mezzeta has the best fugazzetta in the city.  Regardless of what you order get ready for some serious cheesiness.




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